5-a-day Roast Vegetable Salad

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This roast vegetable salad contains at least five portions of vegetables in every serving. The soft sweet roasted vegetables, crunchy cabbage, and salty feta is a great combination you have to try. It’s really easy to make, and is a delicious way to get all of your vegetables in one go.

Roast Veg Salad Ingredients
5aday roast veg salad landscape

5-a-day Roast Vegetable Salad

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Servings 2


  • Vegetable peeler
  • Sharp chopping knife
  • Roasting tin
  • Large bowl
  • Chopping board


  • 3 small to medium sweet potatoes (around 400g)
  • 160 g cooked puy lentils
  • 50 g parsley (around 40g when stalks trimmed)
  • 100 g red cabbage
  • 1 large aubergine (around 250g)
  • 50 g feta cheese
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp salt


  • Pre-heat the oven to 170 C (fan).
  • Peel the aubergine and sweet potato, and cut into small cubes. Cut the sweet potato cubes slightly smaller than the aubergine cubes to ensure they cook at the same time.
  • Add the vegetables to a lined baking tray, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tsp salt and the juice of 1/4 of the lemon and mix until the vegetables are covered in oil. Bake in the oven for around 45 minutes, turning half way through the cooking.
  • Chop the parsley, add it to a large bowl with the juice of the remaining 3/4 of a lemon. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tsp salt.
  • Chop the red cabbage in to very small pieces and add to the parsley.
  • When the vegetables are cooked, leave to cool slightly, then add to the cabbage and parsley. Mix to combine and finally add the feta cheese (cut into cubes or crumbled into the salad).
5aday roast veg salad portrait

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